Local and distant input controlling excitation in layer II of the medial entorhinal cortex Elke C. Fuchs, Angela Neitz, Roberta Pinna, Sarah Melzer, Antonio Caputi, and Hannah Monyer 

Erscheinungsform: Aufsatz
  • Fuchs, Elke C.
Umfang: 15
Anmerkungen: Published: December 17, 2015
Gesehen am 28.05.2020
Identifikatoren/​Sonstige Nummern: 1698954832 [PPN]
In: [Cambridge, Mass.] : Cell Press, 1988 89(2016), 1, Seite 194-208 volume:89 year:2016 number:1 pages:194-208 extent:15
  • Layer II (LII) of the medial entorhinal cortex (MEC) comprises grid cells that support spatial navigation. The firing pattern of grid cells might be explained by attractor dynamics in a network, which requires either direct excitatory connectivity between phase-specific grid cells or indirect coupling via interneurons. However, knowledge regarding local networks that support in vivo activity is incomplete. Here we identified essential components of LII networks in the MEC. We distinguished four types of excitatory neurons that exhibit cell-type-specific local excitatory and inhibitory connectivity. Furthermore, we found that LII neurons contribute to the excitation of contralateral neurons in the corresponding layer. Finally, we demonstrated that the medial septum controls excitation in the MEC via two subpopulations of long-range GABAergic neurons that target distinct interneurons in LII, thereby disinhibiting local circuits. We thus identified local connections that could support attractor dynamics and external inputs that likely govern excitation in LII.
URL: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuron.2015.11.029
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