Eine ungedruckte Bischofsliste des 1. Ökumenischen Konzils von Nicäa (325) (Cod. Stuttgart HB VI 113 der Collectio Weingartensis) von Hubert Mordek, Freiburg i. Br. 

Erscheinungsform: Aufsatz
  • Mühlsteiger, Johannes
Identifikatoren/​Sonstige Nummern: 181736054X [PPN]
In: Würzburg : Echter, 1877 118(1996), 2, Seite 138-150 volume:118 year:1996 number:2 pages:138-150
  • The bishoplists from the first Oecumenial Council of Nicaea (A. D. 325) have been studied many times and there are several critical editions. One important latin witness, however, has so far not yet received its due attention: MS. Stuttgart, Württembergische Landesbibliothek, HB VI 113 (the so-called canonical collection from Weingarten). Most akin to this bishoplist from the Stuttgart manuscript is a MS. from Munich: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Lat. 6243 (the so-called canonical collection from Freising). Both MSS. form together the main representatives of the oldest latin translation of the Greek "Corpus canonum". The bishoplists, which originally constituted only a list of the subscribers to the Creed of the Nicene Council, follows in them at the end of all the canons of this council. It is probable that this list was added at a later stage to an existing latin translation of the Corpus canonum. The conspicuous disorder in the sequence of the names in the Stuttgart-MS. can be explained by the unability of its compilor to find his way around in the previous list, from which he copied and which was, just like this, arranged in columns. In an appendix to the article the first complete edition of the episcopal names from Stuttgart is offered and with the use of numbers it is tried to make a comparison with the lists that have been published so far.
URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/24170247
Schlagwörter: Bischof, Verzeichnis, Handschrift, Konzil, Württembergische Landesbibliothek, Bischofsliste, Nachfolge, Sukzession
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